Cable & Deadpool: Misa del Peregrino ( NC-17)

Dec 29, 2009 21:54

Title: Misa del Peregrino
Author: Anonymous
Fandom: Cable & Deadpool
Characters/Pairings: Cable/Deadpool
Length: ~1500
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Set post the Civil War issues

Why this must be read/seen: I may as well state up front that this fic started life as a kink meme prompt requesting Cable thinking about Wade while he... er, anyway - but the result is as much a character study as a PWP - and arguably even more the former. It's a quiet, contemplative piece, and a really nice look into Cable's head and his feelings about Wade without going overboard into either angst or romantic mush territory. The last line is especially poignant.

Nathan sighs and massages his chin, the stubble scraping against his fingertips. Wade, one of his few failures. He’d been so sure that he could help the man, even fix him - first by bringing him to Providence, and then by healing his brain damage and trying to make him channel into his subconscious and feel - what, exactly? Guilt? Shame?

Well, that hadn’t worked out quite as expected; in fact, he’d failed spectacularly. He doesn’t know how to fix Wade, doesn’t even know if the man wants to be fixed. And the uneasy friendship that they had somehow managed to build in-between bouts of trying to kill each other is broken, too. Wade isn’t speaking to him, but Nathan keeps tabs on him, of course. He can’t abandon him, not like that. Not like everyone else seems to do.

God, he misses that man right now, and he can't even explain why.

Misa del Peregrino

deadpool/cable&deadpool, fic

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