Title: Resurrection, Reconstruction, & Redemption
seanchai and
elspethdixonFandom: Avengers
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Tony; also contains Peter/MJ, Luke/Jess/Danny, and Sharon/Winter Soldier
Length: 90,643
Spoilers: general for Civil War
Why this must be read/seen: I could easily rec everything that
seanchai and < lj user="elspethdixon"> have written, but my choice--"Resurrection, Reconstruction, & Redemption"--is probably my favorite Steve/Tony fic ever, and the one that drew me into the fandom.
This is the fix-it fic to end all others.
seanchai and
elspethdixon put the Marvel universe back together after Civil War has all but torn it to shreds. They don't make it easy; this is a believable, beautifully plotted fic, and that means that everything doesn't immediately come up roses. While the story is definitely more focused toward Tony and Steve's relationship, the rest of the Avengers aren't forgotten, which ties into exactly what it is that I love about this fic: it's so carefully plotted and executed so well, it feels like it could (perhaps should) be canon.
And it hadn't been just sleep deprivation; he was still hallucinating. Because Steve was dead; he had seen the body, read the autopsy reports. But he was standing there in the street, the New Avengers clustered around him like a wolf-pack, ready to run or fight.
Carol walked past Luke, Peter, and Iron Fist -- and the Falcon? Where had he come from? -- as if they weren't there, until she was face-to-face with the man in Steve's costume. "All right, Mister, who the hell are you?"
Not a hallucination, if Carol was talking to him. An impostor. He should have been angry, offended, something...
The impostor reached up and pulled back his mask, revealing a sickeningly familiar head of blond hair.
Steve Rogers offered the Mighty Avengers a tentative half-smile, and said, "Hello, Carol. I'm not going to let you arrest us this time."
Resurrection, Reconstruction, & Redemption