Title: Movement
Characters: Jessica Jones, Luke Cage
Rating: R
Length: 1500
Author: Kphoebe
Why this must be read/seen: I love Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, and I love their relationship. I like it because it's so clearly something they both work at. It's not effortless. This fic is a sweet snapshot of them going through huge changes, still negotiating the boundaries of their relationship. Jessica's prickly and Luke's stubborn, but they're making it work.
Excerpt: Jessica looked at the living room. It all tended to brown. Brown carpet, covered in brown cardboard boxes, brown walls, brown coffee table, brown sofa where she'd bitten out her life story word by painful word. "Yeah, good times. So, why?"
Luke gave her his most patient look, which was about number three on the list of Things Luke Cage Could Do To Make Jessica Jones A Raging Hellbeast In One Second. "We been over this. Combined incomes and one place means cheaper rent, fewer bills, and one space for the baby."