(no subject)

Oct 27, 2006 10:51

Some random thoughts for the sake of updating:

As good as Lolita is, Pale Fire is actually better. Wow. I should finally get around to reading more Nabokov, shouldn't I? God knows how many times I've read Lolita, in three languages. There's yet to be a movie that really completely gets it, but I should see if there's a good audiobook -- even though there's no 'adaptation' involved there, an unabridged audiobook can be interestingly different from the text.

National Novel Writing Month is coming up. I thought about trying it out, but ... well, look at how infrequently I update my LiveJournal, after all, I doubt I could swing a novel in thirty days -- especially with Thanksgiving mixed in there. Must be aimed at students.

I have spent so long among people who are ... shall we say, sexually adventurous ... and I mean even just casual friends and acquaintances ... that when I talk to someone who has real hang-ups about sex, some friend's girlfriend who still makes a face when someone jokes about oral sex, some guy talking about "this total slut" who wanted to be handcuffed and how that's the most outrageous thing that's happened to him ... people who are squeamish about sex, who still talk about it like fifteen year olds or frat boys ... I just get turned off. More than turned off, it's almost like it's creepy. It bothers me in a way I can't identify. Of course, living somewhere conservative and Puritanical may have a lot to do with that.
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