Title: Inch
sequence_fairyRating: PG
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Summary: An inch, just an inch was all that seperated them
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, words are
Notes: Written for the drabble prompt: Inch at
blackpearlsails Inch
Just an inch; a tiny, but yawning chasm that separated her lips from his. He watched her, eyes half-closed. Her lips were soft now, but they had a habit of changing quick-fast to a sharp-edged line when he annoyed her. Her eyes were closed, and she hesitated, and then tightened her grip on his waist. Time slowed to a stop, the rush of the sea and the distant cries of his crew the only sounds he could hear as she pressed closer, closer, closer, until, finally, yes, the inch separated them no more.