I'm Predictable :P

Oct 16, 2009 18:39

What do I post about when I post?


What kind of movies?

Movies I've been waiting for, for a long time.

Movies you probably have already seen, however just in case.


There is very little more important you could be doing. Well maybe some if you are a brain surgeon. Other then that though. Go see it!


I was close to tears through most of it due to how primal and true it speaks of being a kid and what hurts. I was basically balling like a fucking pretty princess at the end. Like a little little person and I don't care :P

that's not what makes it good though. Not that you cry because of movie magic tricks, but because of the perfect representation of what it's like to be a kid and how it makes you feel. What it takes to make you realize things at that age, and how hurtful little thing are. All humans should see this movie if only just to see that all things in life boil down to these situations and in the end we just become older little kids. We have the same issues as kids, and we still deal with situations like kids we just think we are adults.

We complain about everything, we fight and argue with each other. We have troubles seeing our own faults even when they can be so glaring.

Go see the movie, and read the book again.

Ontop of this, the Puppet/CG face is amazing. At no point is it unbelievable they feel completely real with the subtlest reactions in their faces. You feel for these 10 foot tall monsters like anything else. All of them perfectly voice acted by Gandolfini, Cooper, Whitaker, Dano, and O'Hara. Just spot on.

Go see it and just re live what it's like to be a kid again and how vulnerable we all are.

And then go start a fucking rumpus!
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