Newspaper Article About Snape

Apr 07, 2007 12:14

I just got this link via aspensunlight's Yahoo Group. It's a newspaper article about our Severus and the writer, who is pro-Snape, sounds as nervous as the rest of us about Deathly Hallows.,0,3018027.story?coll=c

Have I mentioned that I'm nervous? I'm also excited and sad at the same time. I'm excited to finally read how everything turns out but I'm sad to see the books end. I can't believe that this will be the last HP book that I'll anxiously wait for. I'm also nervous because I'm not sure what JKR's intentions are concerning Snape. She is such a master that who is to say that she hasn't been setting us up all these years. Make Snape seem evil from Harry's point of view only to discover that he's not, do this time and time again so that we automatically think that Snape's a good guy no matter what happens because "Harry's always wrong about him" and then in the end it's found out that for just this one time, Harry is right because the guy can't be wrong every single time, can he? I've thought about this and have wondered if we've been deliberately conditioned like Pavlov's dogs so that the author can just smack us upside the head at the very end.

So, like the writer of the above newspaper article, I've been crossing my fingers and sending silent pleas to JKR to not only redeem Snape in the end but to allow both him and Harry to live because really, they both have been through enough shit and deserve to have some peace in their lives... with each other of course but as that would never happen in canon I'll rely on fanfiction and the hope that there isn't a mass exodus from fandom after everyone reads the last book.

Anyone else nervous, exited, sad, etc...??


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