Threesome Fanfiction Recs

Mar 10, 2007 01:55

I've read quite a few Harry/Severus/Draco fics that I just adore and haven't really added them to my rec list yet because I was unsure if they belonged in the Snarry section or in the Harry/Draco section. To solve that problem, I'm adding a Threesome section so that I can finally get these lovely stories added. Most stories will probably be Harry/Severus/Draco (my 3 favorite can I possibly resist?) however I have come across a couple of Harry/Severus/Remus fics that I really enjoyed too so they will probably find their way here as well.

Between Boy and Man by ravanna_c_tan - Snape and Draco show up at 12 Grimmauld Place bloody and cursed and Harry is the only one who can help them.
Wow...hotness galore and yet, some lovely fluff as well. A truly wonderful 3some fic with my three favorite guys! Rated NC-17

Through a Shattered Mirror by rushlight75 (Rushlight) - This story was my first introduction to Rushlight's fanfiction and I was immediately hooked. Harry is captured by Voldemort and given to Snape as a reward. Upon arriving at Snape's home Harry finds that Draco is also there having been given to Snape a year earlier. The unique relationship the 3 of them develop is what this whole story is all about. Wow, talk about angst! This author is a mastermind at writing non-con (which I normally despise) that is very tastefully done. Once I started reading this I couldn't stop until I had reached the end. Rated NC-17

Walking the Mirror's Edge by rushlight75 (Rushlight) - This is the companion piece to Through a Shattered Mirror, told from Snape's point of view. Be sure you read that story first as this one may not make too much sense if you don't. Rated NC-17

Triptych by rushlight75 - WIP This is the sequel to Through a Shattered Mirror, which I just stumbled upon tonight. I had no idea that the author was writing a sequel so you can imagine my excitement when I found this! So far, the author only has a couple of chapters up but it looks awesome as she started this off with some angst, which leaves me eager to see how everything turns out! Rated NC-17

Good Life Becoming by sansa1970 - Harry, Draco and Snape embark on a friendship that slowly turns into much more. When Harry is blamed for an attack on the Ministry, can their relationship handle the fallout? This story is just absolutely lovely! The slow progression of the relationship between them is very believable and the genuine love they feel for each other is felt in every word written. A masterpiece written by an amazing author! Rated NC-17

And Then There Were Three by swtalmnd - Snape wants to continue his mother's bloodline but in order for him to have an heir with the last name of Prince, he has to go through an official Courtship. When both Harry and Draco make the final cut, how will he choose between them when what he wants is to marry them both? Ok, I loved loved loved this story!! I have this thing for courtship fics and this one is especially good as the author has really gone into detail about the ritual. I sat glued to my seat for almost 4 hours until I read the whole thing. My legs are now seriously asleep but it was so worth it! Oh, and least I forget to mention it, the sex scenes are scorching! Rated NC-17

threesome fanfic recs

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