Snow, snow and guess what...more snow

Feb 15, 2007 22:19

I live in Oswego County in central NY (about 20 miles north of Syracuse) and last week school was closed nearly all week due to one lake effect snow storm after another and just as we catch a break from the lake effect, we now have a nor'easter raging outside. What is weird is that by looking out the window it doesn't appear to be snowing very much but you can tell by the accumilation in the roads that it is. Lake effect snow and regular snow are 2 different things. The snowflakes from lake effect snow are huge and when a storm is going on, you can look out the window and see absolutely nothing. It's just a blanket of white. Driving in a white out is an experience to say the least. If you are caught on a highway during a storm we play a vehicular version of follow the leader. Basically everyone puts on their hazard lights, drives about 5 miles an hour and follows the car in front of them (hence the hazards because that is the only way you can see them). While driving you just pray that the poor person who happens to be the leader doesn't lead everyone into a ditch. I can tell you from experience that it's terrifying to drive like that.

It's now the next day and the nor'easter has passed and lake effect has taken over again and we're due to have another 8 to 12 inches tonight. Trust me when I say that we're very use to storms dumping 1 or 2 feet of snow on us, we're just not use to them happening every day for a week and a half. My poor husband has been snowblowing is balls off and yesterday he finally had it. He came in covered from head to foot and said that next year he's buying a 4 wheeler with a plow attachment. Apparently the chute on the snow blower broke and the snow will now only shoot out in one direction. My daughter's swingset is almost completely covered if that tells you just how much snow we've gotten. Once I've figured out our new digital camera, I'll post some pictures.

My dog loves all the snow though. It is so funny to watch him playing in it. He's a Basset Hound so he's not too tall but he somehow manages to jump up to the top of the snowbanks lining our driveway. Those snowbanks are about 6 feet tall! I worry though because his knees in his back legs aren't the best (and he's only a year and a half old...there's a long story involved that someday I'll get around to telling) and I'm afraid he'll hurt himself again by making these huge jumps but I can't get him to stop.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day. My husband gave me a dozen long stemmed red roses and not only are they beautiful but they smell heavenly and have brought a little bit of spring into the house. Of course, I properly thanked him later on :-)

valentine's day, snow

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