Year of Snarry & Finding a Beta & other odds and ends

Jan 09, 2007 00:51

Ok, accioslash has declared this year to be the year of Snarry so I'm going to honor that by working up the courage to try and write the few plot bunnies that are roaming through my head. When I finally have one written, I'll need a beta so could someone tell me in advance how one goes about finding a beta?

I started one story tonight but after reading what I had written I am somewhat disppointed. It's hard to translate what is going through your mind onto paper (or computer I should say). Unless I speak the story out into a recorder then type out what I say, I don't know if I can convey the tone of voice, expressions, etc... perfectly. Hmmm... will have to think on this some more.

In other Snarry news, I've been updating my Snarry rec list. I've added montana_dan's 3 "To Have" stories, which I just adore! And after I post this entry, I'll add more. I'm trying to add some of the older stories that I love while at the same time adding the new ones from various holiday fests so it's slow going. I've totally been neglecting my Harry/Draco list recently though so I'm going to have to do something about that because I have quite a few stories to add but have been on Snarry streak lately and really, how could I not be with all the wonderful stories being published?!

Anyone else still have your tree up? I went to take it down last weekend and my daughter had a meltdown and proclaimed that the Christmas tree has to stay up forever. I have also realized that I'm not hearing her humidifier running in her room so I need to go and check on it to make sure it hasn't caught fire or some such damn thing.

Oh and last but not certainly least... Happy Birthday Professor Snape!!

year of snarry, finding a beta

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