Holiday Fest Recs 2006

Jan 01, 2007 03:11

First of all, Happy New Year to everyone out there! I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday season this year! I know that all of the fantastic fics being published for the various holiday fests has certainly made my holidays a little brighter! Here are a few that I've read and really enjoyed! They will also be added to my master rec list (I will only be listing one of them tonight but I will be adding to this list when time allows)

Changing Seasons by r_grayjoy - Harry hunts Snape down with the intention to kill him. Instead, Harry is forced to change his assumptions when Snape captures him, holds him hostage and begins to train him. This was really well written and just delightful. The ending is left as a cliffhanger though which just makes me want to chant "We want a sequel, we want a sequel" over and over again. Rated NC-17

holiday fest recs 2006

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