General Fanfiction Recs

Nov 29, 2006 11:54

This category involves stories that are just general fanfics about the Harry Potter world. These stories aren't listed because of a specific pairing or theme, they are just fantastic stories that deserve to be read by all.

Harry Potter and the Battle of Wills by jocelyncs - This story may very well be the first fanfiction I ever read. It's a long story that sends you on a perilous journey where Harry and Snape come to a new understanding. The father/son type relationship between Harry and Remus is also very touching. This story may well be one that has the most reviews ever on I'd have to do some research to verify that but as of right now, it has close to 5000! Rated T

Duel by jocelyncs - This is a short one shot that deals with the aftermath of Voldemort's defeat and centers around Harry and Snape and the events from HBP. Rated K+

Dumbledore's Men by jocelyncs - Yes, a third offering from Jocelyn and this story is a sequel to Duel. Wow, this one is chock full of angst and mystery with the beginning being quite creepy and the climax being edge of your seat drama. Simply wonderful! Rated K+

Circumstances by griseldajane (Libellule) - WIP Written after OOTP came out, this story captured my interest right away. Forced into exile together, Harry and Snape are forced to flee the country, with the help of Dumbledore, to save their lives. This story offers a lot of angst, drama, and much Snape and Harry bonding. I would call this a Snape mentors Harry story and therefore may be moved to the Snape is Harry's father category if that is how Harry views Snape by the end of the story. This is a wonderful story and one I need to reread because while the author does update, she does so infrequently. When a new chapter comes up I usually need to read the one before it so that I can recall exactly where we are in the story. Rated M

Lilacs Out of the Dead Lane by yevgenie - I just finished reading this wonderful story and ran right here so I could rec it immediately! It's a "Snape trains Harry to defeat Voldemort" fic but it's done a little differently than other stories written in the same vein. What really impressed me was the author's unique approach to occlumency and legilimency. I put this story in this section because it's not quite a Snarry but it's also not quite a mentoring fic either. I suppose you could call this pre-slash as I definitely thought I read some hints of pre-slashness here and there! Hopefully the author will write a sequel then we'll know which direction she plans to take their relationship in. Rated R

general fanfic recs

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