Deathly Hallows Ramblings

Jul 22, 2007 19:01

I didn't get to really start reading the book in earnest until my daughter went to bed last night although I did get a couple of chapters read before then. Kept reading until 4am and then finished it up this morning after my daughter got up. Wow is all I can really say here, the rest is behind the cut (let's see if this works as I've never had to do a lj cut before):

I had thought that my thoughts about the book would be more organized having had a few hours to think about it but as I type this I realize that they aren't so this won't be in any particular order:

- Dudley surprised me greatly. If anything I thought that maybe Petunia would have said or done more, this being her nephew and the last time she would probably ever see him but it was Dudley who in the end turned out to be the more mature one.

- The book started off with a bang that's for sure. The flight to get Harry away from the Dursley's had me on the edge of my seat. Talk about nerve wracking waiting to see if everyone would show up at the Weasley's. I loved Fred and George's humor about George's ear; his holyness ...classic Gred & Forge humor!

- Snape... so very much to say. There were several times while reading that I had to put the book down and walk away for a few minutes. When he gave away the time and date of Harry's removal from the Dursley's was the first time. Then when it was later confirmed that it was Snape's information that was correct and not the other Death Eater's, my stomach dropped. I kept chanting "please don't let him be evil, please don't let him be evil" through most of the story. 2 things gave me hope. The fact that he only gave Ginny, Neville, and Luna a trip through the Forest with Hagrid as punishment for breaking into his office was one of them. The other was the white doe. I had hope with this because there was no explanation whatsoever for where that Doe came from and my mind, admittedly grasping at straws, kept thinking "maybe".

- I always had a feeling that Snape had a thing for Lily based on the simple fact that Voldemort had told her to step aside. When has Voldemort ever given anyone a choice? The fact that Lily was so good with potions made that feeling even stronger because that would be something I think that Snape would have respected. However, I had no idea that Snape's feelings were so strong and deep. I'm not sure that I ever thought that canon Snape would be capable of such feelings and the fact that those feelings for Lily never wavered no matter how many years went by is both sad and awesome. Could it have been possible for Lily to return those feelings had Snape never hung out with would-be-Death Eaters? I'd like to think so but maybe not as James Potter seemed quite determined to have her.

- Snape is redeemed and the relief I feel at that is too good to describe. To know that something I've believed in for 2 years was correct when so many others thought the opposite makes my love of Snape know no bounds. I loved how Harry, in his final duel with Voldemort, told him everything and with everyone there to hear it as well. "Severus Snape was never yours". Truer words have never been spoken.

- Snape's death though was very unsatisfying. I, like many of us here, feared that Snape would die. My heart just broke reading that chapter and at the same time I was mad. That whole chapter was so anti-climatic that it made his death seem like it was for nothing. Snape killed by a snake? Snape being killed without having a huge fight for his life? The fact that he just stood there while a snake bit him and that was what killed such a powerful wizard? Spare me. There was no closure there whatsoever. He and Harry never had the chance to yell or scream or even just talk. There was just nothing... I'm so disappointed by that because it could have been done so much better.

- I can see why Harry was so mad at Remus. He was a big disappointment to me until after his son was born. And then to have actually hexed Harry for making him face the truth... well that was just beyond the pale.

- Speaking of beyond the pale, Ron really pissed me right off. Granted he redeemed himself by saving Harry but once again his jealousy causes issues between him and Harry. I just wanted to punch him in the mouth.

- Harry seemed more human to me in this book. In past books he seemed uncomfortable about being hugged or having to offer comfort to someone crying (with exception to Hagrid). In this book, he hugs and gives comfort to both Ron and Hermione and thinks nothing of it. He himself cries more easily, not really trying to hide it if he was with anyone at the time.

- I swear that Ginny was going to have sex with him. This was something that he would remember her by... and the very beginning of it was a kiss that was apparently pretty passionate. When Ron interrupted, she said "Happy Birthday anyway" like there was suppose to be more to her present.

- Dobby's death made me cry, well, that and Harry's reaction to it. Kreacher turned out to be cool though. One of my favorite quotes is by him "Perhaps just one more, Master Harry, for luck?"

- Harry using unforgivables, successfully this time. On top of that so did McGonagall so I guess it just means that they've stepped up their level of fighting. I just had the impression that Harry was never going to be able to do one and in the end it didn't matter as he didn't need one to kill Voldemort.

- Harry helping Draco was awesome, and I bet H/D shippers will have a field day with this (looking forward to some great fics!) I was surprised and a little disappointed by the whole family's non-reaction to anything. I thought the Malfoy pride would have had them out of their seats and fighting against Voldemort once it was obvious the state their family had been reduced to. Granted, Narcissa helped out in the end but it was rather un-fulfilling. Jason Issacs will get his wish about being in the last movie (unless they cut the Malfoys) but he might not like Lucius's near vegetable demeanor.

- The epilogue just plain sucked. I mean, come on, many writers on here have written better endings than this. All these couples from school still together after all these year with a horde of children all named after those who died before them. Give me a break. Talk about everything being wrapped up so prettily with a matching bow. I do like that Harry had Severus's name as one of his kids middle name but otherwise the whole thing is kind of a let down after such an action packed book.

- Snarry is not dead at all. In fact, I've already thought up several scenarios that would certainly work with only a slight deviation from canon. If I, someone who hardly writes at all, can do that then all the truly gifted writers in this fandom will be able to do it even better than I. And hey... that's what AU is for anyways.

- I can certainly see a resurgence of Snape is Harry's father fics coming up and if they are written with the same quality that A Year Like None Other, Blood Magic, etc... is, then I look forward to reading them.

Well, my daughter is doing everything in her power to prevent me from being on the computer right now, like climbing on the back of the chair or grabbing repeatedly at my arm so I'm just going to do a quick spellcheck and post this. If I can think of anything more I'll just make another post later when she's in bed or edit this one.

deathly hallows ramblings

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