Holy Freaking Crap

May 31, 2007 23:29

So I've only been able to briefly skim LJ for the past week and I do mean briefly because my daughter had a stomach bug and while my morning sickness seems to finally be gone (you have no idea how thankful I am!) the tiredness is still here and I fall asleep at the drop of dime at any time and in any place. Ever find yourself nodding off while sitting on the toilet? Yep, that's been me. Yesterday was the first time I read about all the deleted fandom journals and I was outraged but couldn't stay online long enough to really delve into the whole situation. It was wonderful to log on tonight and see that LJ reinstated pornish_pixies and so many other fandom journals as well. There is so much I could say about this whole thing but there isn't a need since so many others have perfectly voiced the thoughts running through my head. I just want to say how proud I am of everyone jumping right in and defending what we as a community love. What was funny to me was that someone had said that while fandom journals only account for something like 2% of all LJs, we still count and shouldn't be pushed aside. My first thought was "there are other journals besides fandom ones?? Wow, who knew..." Because, for me anyways, LJ is all about the fandom. It's why I joined and why I'm still here. Not to say that I don't enjoy reading about other people's RL because I do, but it was fandom that brought me here to begin with and it was fandom that made me want to get to know these wonderful people thus becoming interested in their RL as well as their fandom one.

Another thing that has become obvious to me tonight is that typing with long nails is a pain in the ass. I've never had so many typos in my life. So I'm off to fix them and cut my nails before I lose my mind :-)

lj vs fandom

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