Pregnancy Update

Apr 24, 2007 01:52

Apparently being considered "advanced maternal age" isn't so bad when it comes with extra ultrasound screenings which means, of course, extra ultrasound pictures! I had an ultrasound last week to check for viability and sure enough, we saw the heartbeat. Even better was when the ultrasound tech turned up the volume and we actually got to hear it. Last time I didn't get to hear the heartbeat until 12 weeks and that was with a doppler. This time I got to hear it at 7 weeks! I now have in my possession a picture of my baby which at this point in time looks like nothing more than a dot but it's my "dot" ya know?, so therefore it's the most beautiful dot in the world. Next ultrasound is in 3 weeks.

The nausea is still God awful though... however, the snarry_games have been an excellent distraction. Thank you djin7 for having the games at such a time when I desperately need something to keep my mind off the urge to puke. You are helping to save my sanity, believe it or not!

pregnancy news

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