Jun 11, 2004 00:52
well its thursday [if you dont mind i'm going to bitch a little] and i'm AT WORK!!!!!!!!! i don't want to be here. i want to be at home probably doing nothing because thats where i'm suppose to be. i hate you! one more thing, that 70's show no longer comes on at 1am and i'm mad.
well tomorrow maybe scott will still be sick and get out of work early so we can go see saved!
that old song georgia is playing on the tv in here and i'm loving it.
well i saw a preview for that reality show OUTBACK JACK -the one laura croft will be on.. and they showed a clip of her and they were asking how they felt about the outback and she said "i hate the outback someone should burn it down and build a mall". i just thought i should share that information even though everyone has probably seen it. i hope noone gets her confused with the tombinator [and probably noone gets that unless you're a nerd bomber]
i've got a dumb peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch tonight and a some fruit.. i want shogun.
well i've got nothing