QuOTe oF ThE DAY !! !!

Jul 04, 2006 00:51

via microsofft messngrrr :

" remember, you can make yourself invisible to everyone at any time "

good to know, good to know... i had, in fact, not realized that. but its likely to change my day to day behaviour, invisibility. can everyone do this, or just me?

looks like shoplifting just got a whole lot easier!!

(note: i haven't shoplifted anything in years... mores the pity!)

in other fancy news, the actual posters for the actual rock and roll throw down look pretty cool, i spent an hour or so on my knees spray painting them, till the stencil got too gooey to use... then it kinda broke... there are about 20-30 left to do, but there is enough done for a good run of posteringering. and then the other ones will just look fancy and different, for the final round of poster combat. wish i could take a photo of them... digital camera, where are you when i need you!!??!?!?!!

anyways. i posted the flyer digital version in the last post. but i'm up to my old trix, i guess. ..."tricks!!"...


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