May 23, 2004 10:26
Its been a long week...or how ever long its been since the last time I wrote.
Orgy wasn't that good. They played a lot of new shit. Who wants to hear new Orgy? In retrospect, we should have skipped it and gone to Philly for HIM. It would've been cooler. I would've been able to spend the evening following Ryan Dunn around and pretending we know each other to confuse him.
The weekend road trip with Stormy was super fun. Friday nite we rolled in DC and went to the show there. It wasn't too exciting, but it was a good nite.
Saturday was better though. We were All Access all nite. Too bad we didn't know that earlier. We only showed up at the venue like 20 minutes before the show was over. It wasn't totally our fault. The hotel I booked was SOOOOO ghetto. It was scary. When you checked in, they handed you the TV remote. There were scary men leaning over the balconies yelling down at us. We didn't stay there. One phone call to Tom and we were booked in a room with the band. Yay cool friends!! Then we had to create a shirt for Stormy which turned out really cool and do some pre-game drinking.
After the show, we were all backstage with the groupies and the crazy people. I saw a lot of naked Finnish people. that was odd.
We drank a lot. Yay drunk!! then we went home. My drunk ass thought this would be the PERFECT time to call up the hottie and yell at him. I don't remember most of the conversation, but we're not friends anymore. hee hee!! I think its funny. The drummer randomly wandered into our room as I was having this conversation. Then I went to bed. I can tell you it was a LOOOOOONG ride home on Sunday.
I was still sick all week with that horrible cold. I finally got my ass to the doctor. Now I'm on meds and couldn't drink last nite. Oh no!! The horror!! It was ok though. I still had fun. Saw the hottie. I avoided him and his friends all nite. I don't need that drama and I am way too proud to talk to him now. I offered to talk to him and apologize for what ever I said, he never responded, so fuck him.
That's really all I have to share. I'm tired today.