Une journée tranquille, passée à écrire pour le
sshg_exchange, suivie d'une petite sortie ciné, direction
La cité interdite de Zhang Yimou. L'histoire est passionnante et fait penser à un mixte de l'histoire des Atrides et des intrigues de sérail. Il est un peu décevant cependant que la mise en scène soit trop grandiose et étouffe ce qui est vraiment intéressant, à savoir les relations des membres de la famille impériale, dont aucun n'aurait dépareillé dans un asile.
Au lit maintenant !
I've worked hard on my fic for the
sshg_exchange today, but the muse was there. I spent several hours on my computer writing on a subject which wasn't supposed to inspire me... I consider myself lucky because, come to think of it, how would I have done if I had had an inspiring prompt? Then I went to the cinema to see last Zhang Yimou's film
Curse of the Golden Flower. It was like watching a mix between a Greek tragedy and a harem conspiracy. I just regret that not enough focus was put upon the relationship between the members of the Emperor's family.
On a side-note, I've taken the test for beta-reader accreditation on perfect imagination, just to see how I would fare. You must have 80 % to succeed, and I thought I'd be very glad to get a 75 %. Well, I did a 76 %, which is very good in my opinion. They'll send me a detailed comment about my result, but I really feel good with this result.
Off to bed now.