The excitment of the DH release date is winding down. Now, I can only think that July 21st will be my deadline for any WIP I could be writing, because if Jo kills Severus, I'm not sure I'll find it in me to write fanfiction again. But I like to write, now that I've given in it. Perhaps I'll try original stories, or try another fandom. Or maybe AU won't seem that difficult. But imagine, if Severus lives, the possibilities for fanfiction will be endless.
I didn't win any OWL awards, like I predicted. I don't care because I already knew I couldn't compete against Vanity or His Draught Of Delicate Poison. But
wartcap told me she'd voted for me, so really, even if she's the only one, it means more than an award to me, because she's someone I esteem, and because being acknowledged by someone that brillant is better than an award. And thanks to those of my flist who takes time to tell me their appreciation of my stories, even if they say "I don't like this." Anyway, congrats to the winners. This time, Shades got something, even if it was only a third place. I really don't understand why this story isn't more popular.
On a more personal note, I've learnt that the plot of land where we wanted to have our house build is a bit damp, and that the house will need special foundations which will cost between 30000 and 40000 euros. I think we'll ask the landlord to lower the land's price. If not, I'm not sure we'll go on with this project. We still have a couple of months to decide.
Pour ceux qui suivent Généamourologie, le chapitre 5 est en ligne sur OWL. Je n'ai pas le temps de le publier ce matin sur HPF et FFN, ce sera fait au plus tard demain sur ces 2 sites.
J'ai appris hier que le terrain où je voulais faire bâtir est humide, au point que des fondations spéciales seront nécessaires, pour un coût oscillant entre 30000 et 40000 euros. Cela demande réflexion, mais si le lotisseur ne baisse pas le prix de son terrain, je pense que nous allons renoncer. De toute façon, c'est tellement long de faire construire, que nous avons encore qq mois pour nous décider. de plus, l'indice du coût de la construction augmente, alors que les prix dans l'immobilier ancien stagnent (les charpentes ont augmenté de 25% en un an, et le béton de 15%). Quel cauchemar de chercher son chez-soi.