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Jul 09, 2012 16:11

As promised, here are the latest books I’ve read. They’re all part of the Sevenwaters series by Juliet Marillier.

Daughter of the Forest
Lord Colum of Sevenwaters is blessed with six sons: Liam, a natural leader; Diarmid, with his passion for adventure; twins Cormack and Conor, each with a different calling; rebellious Finbar, grown old before his time by his gift of the Sight; and the young, compassionate Padriac.But it is Sorcha, the seventh child and only daughter, who alone is destined to defend her family and protect her land from the Britons and the clan known as Northwoods. For her father has been bewitched, and her brothers bound by a spell that only Sorcha can lift.To reclaim the lives of her brothers, Sorcha leaves the only safe place she has ever known, and embarks on a journey filled with pain, loss, and terror.When she is kidnapped by enemy forces and taken to a foreign land, it seems that there will be no way for her to break the spell that condemns all that she loves. But magic knows no boundaries, and Sorcha will have to choose between the life she has always known and a love that comes only once.
--I was a bit doubtful before I started to read this ebook offered on booksonboard.com. After all, I already knew the story. But I was soon caught up in Juliet Marillier's storytelling, which made the fairy tale into fantasy with a dash of romance. She gave each character, each brother and sister their own personality. She could have written seven books, one for each or them. It's never boring, never lame nor too sugary. I simply love this book. 4.5/5

Son of the Shadows
Son of the Shadows is the sequel to Juliet Marillier's evocative first novel Daughter of the Forest. It continues the saga of beautiful Sorcha, the couragous yong woman who risked all to save her family from a wicked curse and whose love shattered generations of hate and bridged two cultures. It is from her sacrifice that her brothers were brought home to Sevenwaters and her life has known much joy. But not all the brothers were able to escape the spell that transformed them into swans, and those who did were all more--and less--than they were before the change. It is left to Sorcha's daughter Liadan who will take up the tale that the Sevenwaters clan is destined to fufill. Beloved child, dutiful daughter, she embarks on a journey that opens her eyes to the wonders of the world around her...and shows her just how hard-won was the peace that she has known all her life.Liadan will need all of her courage to help save her family, for there are forces far darker than anyone chould have guessed and ancient powers conspiring to destroy this family's peace--and their world. And she will need the strength to stand up to those she loves best, for in the finding of her own true love, Liadan's course may doom them all...or be their salvation.
--Liadan is one of my very favorite female characters. I love how she goes agains all conventions and brave any danger for love. For this is a love story, probably more than fantasy though magic has its place in this world. The men's characters are no less fascinating with their strange tattoos and loyalty to their leader... and to Liadan. I invite you to check Marillier's other works at booksonboard.com. 4/5

Child of the Prophecy by Juliet Marillier
Magic is fading... and the ways of Man are driving the Old Ones to the West, beyond the ken of humankind. The ancient groves are being destroyed, and if nothing is done, Ireland will lose its essential mystic core. The prophecies of long ago have foretold a way to prevent this horror, and it is the Sevenwaters clan that the spirits of Eire look to for salvation. They are a family bound into the lifeblood of the land, and their promise to preserve the magic has been the cause of great joy to them... as well as great sorrow.It is up to Fianne, daughter of Niamh, the lost sister of Sevenwaters, to solve the riddles of power. A shy child of a reclusive sorcerer, she finds that her way is hard: She is the granddaughter of the wicked sorceress Oonagh, who has emerged from the shadows and seeks to destroy all that Sevenwaters has striven for. Oonagh will use Fianne most cruelly to accomplish her ends, and stops at nothing to see her will done.
-- The third instalment of the Sevenwaters series (ebook edition) was a bit different from the two previous ones in that the heroin has a darker background. After all, she's Oonagh's granddaughter and some of her acts are more to her granddaughter's liking. However, Fainne is good at heart and you can guess there will be some happy ending. I would classify this book as fantasy with a touch of romance. It's a good read to escape reality, live through thrilling adventures and have love prevail in the end. A kind of comfort reading in my taste. Thanks to booksonboard.com to make this book available to their customers. 4/5

Heir to Sevenwaters
Returning to the land of the Sevenwaters trilogy (Daughter of the Forest, etc.), Marillier deftly weaves a fey story of human interaction with the Fair Folk. Clodagh, the third daughter of the lord of Sevenwaters, is the practical one who keeps things running while her aging mother awaits the birth of a male heir. At her sister's wedding, she meets rude, closed-off Cathal, one of her cousin Johnny's personal guards. Shortly after, when the Fair Folk replace the newborn heir with a changeling creature, Clodagh and Cathal put their lives and sanity on the line to rescue the child. Marillier's gripping tale of adventure and enduring love bobbles slightly at the start, mostly due to Clodagh's modern attitude and cadence, but slides quickly and assuredly into a grand tale of ancient Erin. (Nov.)
--Juliet Marillier wrote this book (which I read in ebook format) while having treatment for cancer. I couldn't help but think the Sevenwaters universe felt comforting to her. It certainly feels like that to me. This book, like all the others of the series, is a mix of fantasy and romance. The story is somewhat predictable (the heroin shows strength and courage she didn't know she have and love wins at the end). In spite of that, I like returning to that familiar universe and discover a new heroin each time, for each one has her own voice and Marillier's talent doesn't let you get bored. Those book are comfort food for me. It doesn't harm that booksonboard.com gives reward dollars for buying them ) 3.5/5

Seer of Sevenwaters
Sibeal of Sevenwaters, the teen fifth daughter of the Lord of Sevenwaters, has always known she wants to be a druid. In this romantic follow-up to 2008's Heir of Sevenwaters, Sibeal's uncle Ciaran, her mentor, orders her to spend a summer on the sheltered island of Inis Eala, away from her training, to determine whether the contemplative life is truly for her. At first, Sibeal thinks that Ciaran is punishing her. Then a sudden storm brings a shipwreck and several mysteries that challenge Sibeal's resolve and vocation. Why does the Norseman Knut seem to be holding something back from the islanders, and if Svala is Knut's wife, why is she so terrified of him? And who is the handsome, amnesiac man Sibeal has found washed up on shore?
--I liked this ebook the least in the series. First I was disconcerted by the introduction of a second Point of view in the book the heroin's intended hero. But that's just me. Second, I couldn't connect with Sibeal the way I did with the other women of the Sevenwaters family. It's not that the writing in itself is flawed. It's more that Marillier didn't convey the heroin's dilemma with the strength it deserved. And most characters are just so perfect and compassionate, one wonders if this story takes place on a warrior island or a convent. It's still fantasy, it's still romance, as the whole series is, but I do hope the next intallment (which I'll be looking for at booksonboard.com as soon as it's out) will redeem this one. 3/5


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