Title: Copenhagen, Scene 8
Author: Septemberoses
Fandom: True Blood/En Forelskelse crossover
Characters: Carsten/Eric/Godric
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Eric, Godric and Carsten are back in their hotel room…
Word Count: 5,300
Disclaimer: None of these characters is mine.
Author's Warning: Having written two cuddly chapters of Carsten and his mother,
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It felt like the characterisation was off, but on purpose. I guess it was said before in some comment or other (I didn't read all of them shame on me), but it seems like Eric in this first part is so careless, which is really unlike himself. I can't remember him being uncaring about Carsten in any prior part.It's such a contrast to 6 and 7, bc hs shows just how much he really cares when talking to Carstens mum... And then, on the other hand, you have Godric, who is such an aloof and untouchable person, being caring and gentle. It's strange, like they shifted character traits. Is that the bond-thingy showing it's ugly side?
Oh, and then the second part, where the dynamics shift again. As if Godric realized something was off and the only way he saw to fix it was declaring his dominance (and, in some way, maybe reinstall his "coldness"?) by beating Eric into a bloody pulp. It's interesting, bc (and that was said before, too, I know) these parallels between G/E and E/C make somewhat sense here. Eric hurts Carsten, Eric is hurt by Godric. Being in that middle position makes his character somewhat special, bc he has the opportunity to understand both the submissive and the dominant part of relationships, and how to make them work. And having screwed up with Carsten is followed by being screwed up. I'm goinng in circles here.
If I can write half an essay about one chapter of a fanfiction it's a brilliant, believe me. And I enjoy this one a lot, because you actually have a backstory, layers and depth in there :)
Oh god, I'm sorry I'm spamming you with my wacky theories. I'll just wait for the next update and hope for answers there.
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