Title: Show Me the Ropes
Author: Septemberoses
Fandom: True Blood/(En Forelskelse crossover)
Characters: Eric/Carsten, then Godric/Eric
Rating: NC-17 for bondage, non-con, dub-con, games, plotless porn, angst, toys, abuse
Summary: Some desires are easier to satisfy than others. And there are consequences, anticipated and otherwise.
Word Count: 6,
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Similarly with this one ... you're right, and I actually discussed this with another writer :) -- in my mind, Godric could have pulled himself together and fought Eric off if he'd wanted to badly enough, so I'd label that dub-con rather than non-con, but let's face it -- on another level it's more or less rape. Since this is clearly a trigger issue for some, I'm trying to find the balance. In these types of stories, it's tricky.
I kind of suspected the hotel boy might be Godric but the situation of some random boy being bullied into unwanted sexual acts pressed the wrong buttons with me and I stopped reading - I can see of course how it would have spoiled it if you had given the game away in the warnings - but I'll go back and enjoy it now - secure in the knowledge that anonymous hotel boys are safe!
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