info on part two - maybe something else --

Sep 05, 2005 01:45

I'm not sure what to say about part two of Pieces of the Puzzle. Everything stays the same as the info/summary of the first part, and will likely stay the same throughout the entire mini-fic.

When I first wrote it it had five parts. But because of a lack of time, and because a lot of it wasn't very vital information, I've cut it down to 3 1/2 to 4 parts. Yet, that won't really matter because I've added stuff that wasn't there before and I've made the parts smaller than was originally planned, so now it's pretty much back to five parts. Although it may change to four depending on how much I alter it. And just so you know I do this a lot (altering my fics, that is). I have a tendency to mutilate a story before I even give it a chance. A habit that needs to die, hard and fast.

So, however it comes out, I hope whoever reads it will enjoy it. Because it has definitely taken some time to do.

P.S. it'll be posted by september 9th (sorry it's taking so long).


In Other News:

I'd like to take the time to say that I have an obsession with making lists. Yes, LISTS.

And I hope no one minds. Because there will probably start to be a lot of lists going around. From shopping lists, lists on receipts, and school supplies lists; to a list of every book I own (witch is steadily becoming ready for a post), every CD I own (also almost ready), and a list of things I am looking forward to from now until December 31st.

Beware: sometimes I make lists of absolutely nothing. They are all over my bedroom, and sometimes carry on to the rest of the house (and my mom gets mad and throws them all out) :(

The only list that doesn't exist in my life is a to-do list. Reason: I never follow them.

I Think I'll post one tomorrow for giggles. and also poetry. I have one I wrote that I really want to share.

<333 much much love<333
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