Here's a joke for yah....

Nov 01, 2001 06:00

So much changes everyday, and one day can change a lifetime so easily. I can't remember what I wrote to you about last, but life so stands now to bring me the realization Justin is a joke. I word that harshly as my pain grows thinking over this. I feel naieve and gullible for trusting someone who caused so much unresolved pain in my life.

His looks are so blank! Standoffish even. He talks down to me in a fashion I beileve is repeated treatment of a past relationship. I want to hate him. I want to rip is head off. Yet, I want to save his life at the same time.
I have to beieve somewhere inside him is an honest good person. That's not easy at all as of now. I feel gross for ever having sex with him. Making love, when it wasn't. How will I ever know though? How can I ever really trust him? Maybe I do dream my life away.

I cannot believe he said I'm mean to him!

half alive; not inside
blank reply
honest lies
unrequited insanity
reversly contagous
a second act play
beginning today
An ending to state
romantic debates
that have raped away logic
with unmedicated dildos.
but who knows?
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