Title: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
septem_librae Fandom: Jeanne D'arc
Pairing: Jeanne x Roger
Table: Romance
Prompt: #o4 - kiss
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Never had she seen a redder Roger.
Notes: Post-game. This plunnie had been gnawing me for days. Jeanne D'arc isn't mine, as usual.
A wolf suddenly cried out in the night while Jeanne was herding the flock. The sheep bleated madly and rushed towards her in a wild stampede. She heard a faint 'Jeanne!' before she tripped backwards on a sheep and something fell on top of her.
She found her lips locked with it and lightly lamented her first kiss being a sheep when the ‘something’ hastily pulled back and Jeanne found herself staring at an immensely flustered Roger.
Roger immediately stood up and ran after the flock.
Jeanne absently touched her lips.
Her first kiss was a sheep after all.