Plans for March

Feb 28, 2005 23:31

I am going to be doing a lot of piano practice during March. Here are the main things I want to improve on:

*Posture (I always seem to get good and then lazy a month later.)
*Learning all of the minor, major and the chromatic scales
*Work on legato playing (Not very good at this anymore thanks to my fucking digital...)
*Arpeggio work
*Better thumb control
*Dynamic control

So just about everything... :-p

Things to change:
*Less time online
*No more lounging about in bed for an hour after I wake up (mostly because I get very little sleep)
*Stop wasting time by watching movies. I've increased from 30 minutes a day to a whole movie! If I am going to watch a movie I have to make it after my piano practice.
*Need to put piano first again.
*Keeping track of my time on the piano again so I can make sure I get all of my practice in each day.
*Make sure to get around to seeing my friends.
*Stop wasting time with this LJ...

I'm not going to worry too much on any pieces, mostly technical exercises. On actual music I tend to concentrate on the musical side of the piece and usually do not improve technically (and usually my expression is a little too expressive...) I think I will just swap my music time with my technical time, or maybe go half and half. I'll still continue with organ as normal, which is 30 minutes technique and 30 minutes of the other book. This week I have not been taking breaks from practice like I used to and I have to start doing that. I planned originally to study music theory during my breaks but for some reason I haven't had breaks.

I'll actually work on all of this stuff after March also, but these are going to be sort of the main things for March.

Oh, and I am going to work on my typing. I used to be at 70 words a minute but have gone down from laziness.

I'm going to ask Ed if I could have a key so I can use the piano more than what I have been. If not I will just have to use my grandparent's again. This crappy digital my parents gave me just isn't working. In fact it makes me go in the opposite direction at times. It ruined my nice legato playing that people would compliment me for, so I got to work to get it back up to par. I read that staccato scales are suppose to be harder to play than legato ones but I seem to be able to play very quick staccato scales better than I ever did with my legato. Maybe I am doing something wrong with the legato or it comes from my typing being quick and staccato?
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