Jan 31, 2006 17:53
Dear angry Americans
(ATTN: Angry American Males who are waking up to politics and government)
I'm so fucking serious, people. It's great to be "informed" about all the shady shit that the government is up to, but getting all pissed off and up in arms about this shit, and yelling about how "a change has to happen" and shaking each other by the collar, roaring "what are WE gonna DO about it" is just gonna upset you, get you worked up to a frenzy where you either do something that IS against the law -deeming you an instant terrorist, in a time of witch hunts- or you'll get so frustrated that you just shut the fuck down and fall in line.
It's so much more productive to deal with what IS on the table, be educated about the rules and laws, and HOW TO WORK THEM. Because that's what every politician in office has done, and is still doing to this day. They're working the system that's in place. There's no law that says "To be in office, you have to act honorably" -and if there were, what's the yardstick for "honor" in this equation? No, this is about knowing how to play the game, and ACTUALLY playing it, with intelligence, awareness, and dilligence.
Working a job that you hate, and then remembering that you're "supposed to be" on some "revolutionary" shit when the government does something right in your face that pisses you off is NOT the way. That's about as effective as waiting until you shit your pants and then going on a rampage because "someone" planted feces in your drawers. You want to look to a group that's fucking actually doing it? Peep the women of the feminist movement;
Women in the feminist movement are REAL fucking revolutionaries.
They're fighting a war that's been going on since the dawn of time, and even though progress is slow, and they're working against a system -a worldwide system, not just a national one mind you- that's designed to work against them, they're still pushing through and gaining headway instead of just dancing around pissed off. Women in the feminist movement ARE united, informed, and working towards common goals against the patriarchy that's been established to keep people calm and compliant through the oppression of women. And even though they're still going through struggles with "male feminists" and trying to educate them to stop engagaing in ingrained behavoirs and priveledges that work against women, THEY HAVE NOT GIVEN UP. These women are pissed off, frustrated, they DO celebrate victories no matter how small or how big, and they don't fucking lose hope nor sight no matter how fucking big of a mountain tries to crush them. And these women wage their war with
because the sad part is, their enemies aren't males per se, but the shit that males do, and have been taught to do because it's "normal" or it's their "right". Their enemy is inequality, and the habits that have been trained into society to uphold that inequality. And the footsoldiers of inequality are not just cheuvanists, misogynists, and bigots, but ignorant people who don't know, well-intentioned but ill-informed males AND females who support the oppressive patriarcy through not questioning the status quo, AS WELL AS overzealous male feminists who have tendencies to do more harm than help, by creating more work, forcing their "commrades" to carry them instead of carrying their own weight. The entire world is against their movement, and what women have been subjected to in day-to-day life FOR GENERATIONS UPON GENERATIONS, is something that most of the world isn't even cognizant of!!!
So seriously, next time you wanna put on your "Revolution" hats, and your fucking Che Guevarra T-Shirts because the current administration is making you feel like you have to "do something" -fucking SUDDENLY- try:
-Shutting the fuck up
-Educating yourself about a war that's been happening long before this administration, or 9-11, or the patriot act, or whatever the fuck has a hair up your ass this week and
-Supporting women
(whom you share this fucking asshole planet with, instead of making them carry you while you tantrum around about some new turn of events)
(whom are more organized and united than you and your buddies who are pissed off at some obscure law that was just invented)
(WHICH you should be doing ANYWAY) and, if you will
-Take a fucking example from tried and true soldiers who have been ACTUALLY fighting a revolution, and take notes how it's done effectively.
Imagine what your world would be like if the women in your life decided that there was no hope for you, and started gunning you and your buddies down in your sleep. "But I'm not working against the feminist movement!" Bullshit. What have you DONE for the feminist movement, lately?
Get on fucking board instead of throwing a tantrum and calling yourself "informed."
Who knows? You might even be suprised to find out that women in the feminist movement are actually pissed off about the same shit that you are!!! OMFG!!!
Either you're part of the solution, or you're part of the problem.
Do you even know what the problem is?
Are you aware of the work being done on behalf of the solution?
Where do you REALLY stand?