stolen from the savicorn!

Jun 22, 2008 02:13

1. Name: lisa ommert

2. Age: 23

3. Location: oak grove, oregon

4. Occupation: freelance artist, self-taught budding theropodologist

5. Partner: nathan/tesla

6. Kids: oh dear god no.

7. Brothers/Sisters: sister, jill.

8. Pets: tlingit kitty, koa the corn snake

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
A. going back to college in fall
B. going on my first paleontological dig this summer
C. my relationship with tesla, despite struggling to clean up after him XD
D. it was my birthday on friday

10. What did you go to school for?

before I dropped out, I was an art major. this time I'm going to slowly try to achieve a bachelor of science (paleontology), hopefully eventually a masters, in my dreams doctorate of paleontology.

11. Parents:

father jeff and mother chris, the best parents I could ever ask for, even though they sheltered me way too much.

Mom: stay-at-home mother with five rental houses. she is a baton twirler in the one-more-time-around-again-marching-band and has done parades in california, louisiana, florida? and of course here in oregon. is absolutely motherfucking bonkers about little birds. is an experienced quilter. very quirky, extremely sweet, bursts into song at random intervals, especially in the car. loves the beatles.

Dad: extremely successful businessman. was the boss of his own computer networking company, recently sold it to another company and is now a highly respected salesman. literally cannot survive without a fishing boat. as a young adult, he lived in the mountains (literally a mountain man, no fucking joke) playing bass in his band for money and hunting for food with his dogs. knows practically every single road from pavement to overgrown dirt in the mount hood national forest. has an impeccable sense of humour, is extremely good with kids. bought a do-your-own-magic-tricks kit and always ALWAYS performs at family events. tells the best goddamn hunting and fishing stories.

12. Close Friends:

few and far between, but all equally loved.

swift/nick: known him since high school, didn't really hang out much till I graduated. he introduced me to the furry fandom. prolific in video games and nerf guns. claims he hates cake, but will eat half a fucking cake if you give him one. best friend I've ever had.

josh n: known him since third grade. one of the few people who put up with me running around the schoolyard pretending I was a velociraptor, chasing them and kicking them in the shins while I screamed "RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEAR." (the game was called "oh god lisa's a dinosaur, oh god WHY") always super happy and smiley and never seems to have a bad day.

synx: one of my newer friends, and while I love talking with it I'm honestly not sure it likes me too much XD but for some reason I can just open up to it, and we have the goddamn greatest conversations ever, it always makes me laugh.

tesla/nathan: I've known him for about four possibly five years, and he'd been asking me to date him from the very beginning. I always said no because I wasn't ready for another relationship. still were very close, until we both got mad at eachother and didn't talk for a while... then tentatively broke the ice, and became friends again. within the next couple of months, we started dating and haven't looked back. currently the love of my life and very messy roomate, he's kind and respectful and thoughtful and charming and funny (albeit he makes up the worst puns in the world XD ). he's the smartest person I have ever met and I don't know how I would live without him.

13. Do you drink/smoke?:

I drink extremely rarely, and just quit smoking :)

14. Piercings/tattoos?:

piercings: three in each earlobe measuring 10g, 14g and 16g as they go up. one in upper right ear. both nipples are 14g.
tats: foo dog on upper left arm, cavepainting deer on upper right arm, pawprints on either wrist, cherry blossom on back of neck.
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