So I'm getting to work on my Zetsubou-sensei application.
My deadline is my dad's birthday...xD
If this goes successfully, maybe I will app for the girl I'm talking about below later for a second character?
Also for my birthday I think I'm just gonna buy myself a lottery ticket or two. So fun I know.
And get to work on my cosplay for the Scott Pilgrim movie premiere. Ramona Flowers (volume 4 cover) or Kim Pine.
Kim is pretty much like Chie. Just grumpy all the time and her hair is more how mine looks naturally without me messing with it, unlike Chie.
I ended up just going to the midnight release of the last book with my Chie jacket on since to other people, they didn't know it was a video game character's instead.
Or you know, google for better images. That one doesn't have the stripes on the chest of her jacket. And she doesn't usually wear a jean skirt.
But as I said, we bought Scott Pilgrim 6. It ended nicely, although I felt like the Gideon fight wasn't as amazingly epic as I imagined it'd be. Not saying it was disappointing though.
Not gonna go into anything or I'll spoil it, but the first thing I really noticed is Scott is playing Monster Hunter at the beginning of the volume. This comic is full of video game references, it's fun to find them.
Barry spent the night here last night though, and today we went to the loop with Tim. We went to the book release with Tim also, actually, and Tim almost beat Super Mario 3 on the SNES there. The Tutorial (the owner, inside joke why I called him that) didn't really bother us, but a guy we went to school with who is fucking crazy was there. :|
He tried giving me a reading of my future...WITH CLOW CARDS. NOT GODDAMN TAROT CARDS.