The Karmatic Law can blow me.
I've been kinna up and down all day, it's annoying as shit. I woke up today to my mum freaking on the doorbell, hehehe, I knew she was outside, but I was sort of half-clothed, couldn't open door like that. So after I robed, we went to Perkins across from St. Laurent and she had the Eggs Benedict breakfast and I had two over easy with bacon.
Shoulda gotten Benedict. Didn't know I liked Hollandaise sauce till I devoured all her hashbrowns with it :> We had a long talk about how dad's a bit of a tart and how in theory I shouldn't have to pay off 700 dollars for this fucking cellphone bill, cause he put it under his name and he owes me like 200 bucks for like 4 months withuot chipping in =_=. So after we ranted a bit and acted like we usually do together - I love when I'm with my mom, we sort of have a kind of off-handed Zen. You'd think we'd snap but instead one says a bad joke and the other will just roll perfectly with it. Where was I? Oh, yeah so, she gave me what she's decided is my future lanes after November is done.
She's trying to get a job in Ottawa, a little four day on/ four day off job as a secretary that she'll drive e'eryday she works to attend - and since it's nearing the winter seasons - she figures if she gets this job and things smooth out, she'll get a little appartment - I'll pay half, and we'll share it when she's boggled in Ottawa, and I get it to myself when she's at home. Seems nice~ If she doesn't get the job (I'm sure she will :\.. but ...) she's going to take me from Ottawa and get me a job at this place in Pembroke so that I can sort of make something of myself before I try to test my wings in a huge commute again. I'm just too small town in big city :>;.. I completely agree with her tho. I bought FFXII, we tried to find Uncle Ernie, then she drove me to work and we parted ways ;;..
So I goto work and nearly fall asleep the whole way through cause I'm so tired - I have an odd sleeping pattern, it's 4:30AM now, and I'muh sleep after this entry, and that's early for me (I wake up at like 12PM -1PM, so it's 8 hours if I Sleep now.). Anyways, I called my dad at 11:30PM cause he hadn't been at the entrance loyally for me yet - so I tried twice.. and no answer :\. Took bus home and waited till about 1 AM, when the phone starts to ring.
My dad was admitted to the hospital 'cause his face is shattered. 'Parently while he and Albert were working a lubecan fell from about 30 feet up and landed on the bridge of his nose, nailing his already fucked up nose and his cheek bone :\. He's been waiting since 8PM to get in T_T, as much as I say I hate him sometimes, he's my dad and I'm stressing cause I wanna know if he has to get reconstructive surgery, and worse, if Emo is stuck missing out on a weekend again >:.
Yeah, what a shitty way to end a night D:.
Oh and I entered NaNoWriMo, wish me luck, I just wanna see how much I can piece together in a month, I don't think I'll make the fifty grand deadline :>;; my nickname on the site is Zee! hehe.
I forgot, anyone feeling generous enough to help me renew my subscription and my 100 icons? I'll pay you in art or some shit D:.
PS: Random chibi fun. I should make an art post soon :<.