Xmas stuff

Dec 13, 2007 19:23

Went to Serramonte after class, and even THEN it was fucking crowded! Wtf?! It's not even a few days before Xmas, so why so crowded?! I guess people are actually getting stuff early, yeah? XD;

Anyway, so, uh, I bought a DS + Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice for All, for Allie and I as a bit of an early Christmas gift. >_>;

That and I finished, almost, shopping for Cindy and Alaina. Lots of stuff @__@ Having chatted with Melissa, we already know (more/less) what's gonna be up xDDD

Now all I need is to get somethin' for Seiya. Hey! Whaddya want?! ^^; Kidding. Sort of. Not really >_>;

Yeah, I dunno what I want either DDD: NDS was kinda on a whim, as per I usually shop *headdesk*

And I just realized I have no idea where I'm going with this.

Um... Have friends Xmas stuff half way done.


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