Oct 02, 2009 01:16
is it normal?
should i feel such turmoil?
i want to cry and scream
i want to hug you
i want to hold and never let go
i want to run and never come back
your hurt makes me hurt
i want to tear my heart out and never feel such pain again
but then i would never feel the joy you bring..
the rush of happiness at the sight of your face..
the flush of blood through my veins at your voice
the chills down my spine at your touch
and the warmth in your eyes.
love that is sweet and bitter and warm and hard..
nothing else exists in your presence
all i want is to be a part of you when you are near
i want to hold you to myself and meld
is this normal?
will i ever be able to just BE when i am with you?
will i always be consumed?
im afraid maybe i'll never be able to tether tot he real world again
maybe i'll float off and never come back down..
i cant see the future..
but i worry
what will happen when time passes and this does not fade..
you.. you will go on i suspect..
but i.. i will be broken
will this fade?
i hope it does..
someday i will no longer be so intoxicated by you that i am drunk
someday i might be able to stay foucused on real life near you..
but if i cant...
what then?