Nov 23, 2009 09:56
It was Sunday, and like the awesome Calvin and Hobbes collection, it was a lazy Sunday. I woke up at around 1 AM to find that the reason I had lasted that long in the world of my head, was because nothing was happening today. One of the first things I did was get to reading The Last Wish again. I just love how the cinematic for The Witcher was so high quality, to the point where reading The Witcher the short story (The one where King Foltest asks to reverse the curse on Adda's daughter, who has become a Striga), the fight is in perfect unison between the two mediums. I mean, every word in the book correlates to every shot in the cinematic. Nothing was added or removed. If you don't believe me, read/watch it. Mind you, you should be doing that anyways, since they are both great pieces of art. Anyways, after reading that for a while, Kevin, Dad, Caitlin and I decided to play some table tennis. The result was interesting.
What started out as simple 2v2 rally, began to heat up, and become more interesting when dad kept attempting to slam the ball into Kevin. This resulted in harder hitting, and more yelling. By the end we had tried playing with 1, 2, 3, and even 4 balls to varying degrees of success, and the idea of 'winning' is more defined by who did the cooler stuff. Dad and I did assist serves, as well as crazy shots from far too far away from the table to be considered normal by any length. One thing I enjoyed about that session was the fact that Wendy was just doing a puzzle nearby, and balls were flying past her to no end, however she didn't flinch one bit. Was great.
After that died down, we were all tired, so I just sat down in front of my laptop and thought "Well, what could I do now?". The answer? Planescape, and let me tell you, even raving about it to everyone, I still forget how amazing it is. I began playing again with my semi-recent save right at the beginning, where The Nameless One and Morte the talking skull have become acquainted, and wandered around the first level of the mortuary, discussing the Rule-of-three, and how Morte wants to show the volumptuous chits the way of a good time. These chits being corpses ressurected by magic. Not traditionally attractive.
The language of this game always blows me away, I need to remember to refer to females as chits more, money as jink, and speak like some tripped ass pikey that you find in The Hive of Sigil (regarded by many as the center of the planes, however, others think this is wash, because how do you define the center of something that is infinite?). "Pen some berks in the dead-book" has got to be my favourite term of phrase thus far. In fact, the dead-book itself is a fantastic concept. There is this monument in The Hive, which appears like a war memorial, and contains the name and date of everyone's death up until the current point, and there is a Dustman who hangs around called Death-of-Names. He knows where to find each name on the monument, which directly correlates to the Dustman's record of death, aptly named the 'dead-book'.
Other highlights of my short game, from the first level of the mortuary, to running around disguised as a dustman up in the higher levels, to walking around the Hive were as follows:
Ingress, the nutty woman who runs around the Hive, and has gone slightly crazy due to being stuck in the Hive away from everyone she knows for thirty years by accidentally walking through a door (the term for portals, which are everywhere in the planes, and especially in Sigil). She hasn't walked through an arch since her accident, and asks you to find a way for her to get 'home'
Convincing a Dustman against his belief of wanting to die, by killing yourself, only to come alive again soon later, showing him that there is more to see in life, and that he shouldn't be so eager to end.
and this shiny gem of dialogue which I hadn't seen before. This is the second of who knows how many exchanges between Morte and The Nameless One about chits.
Morte: Did you see the way that cadaverous beauty was staring at me? She was looking for some lucky cutter to thaw her coffin
The Nameless One: Please don't start this again.
Morte: *Becomes thoughtful* I don't really mind the attention actually... it's just that I like to be seen as something more than just a skull you know? I have feelings that go beyond my base animal instincts. I want courtship, not some fortnight fling around the mausoleum.
The Nameless One: Morte, you *are* a skull. Nobody can help but see you as a skull. Accept it.
Morte: Yeah, well I may be just a skull, but I have a big heart. *Morte tries to stifle a snicker*
Sarcasm is fantastic, and so is Morte.
If anyone who knows me in real life needs or wants the discs to this game, I will gladly pass them, because this is a game that needs to be played. You cannot call yourself an RPG lover until you've experienced the planes, and this is the best way to do it.
Chris - The Nephilim Rising