Fruits Basket chapter 119

Aug 10, 2006 01:43

Kyo tells Tohru that he too had something he's been wanting to ask her for a while now.
- He goes on to tell her that if he was imagining things, then she should feel free to laugh at him as much as she wants to.
- He then asks her if she loves him, to which she blushes and Kyo quickly runs through the hints he's picked up on.
- The umbrella slides and hits the ground as Kyo asks Tohru why, if she didn't love her mother, if that had been a lie, and if all of that was as though it never existed.
- Unable to stand things he opens the door and goes outside, but Tohru follows after him in her bare feet.
- Kyo thinks of his wish of wanting to be with her for what time he had remaining free, and wonders why he'd ever wished for such a thing if this was going to be the result. {He must be really dense if he couldn't see this coming.}
- He says to himself tat ti's jsut too much, it's not something he wanted to know.
- Tohru asks him to listen to her but he quickly says that she doesn't know anything, that she doesn't know any of what he's done.
- He can only think of her love as being too sad, and so he begins to explain to Tohru.
- He tells her Kyoko shouldn't've died and that he knew her. That on the day of the accident he was standing near by and recognised her right away.
- When Kazuma first took him in he didn't feel comfortable going straight home from school so wandered around for a bit, it was then that he met Kyoko.
- We flash back to Kyoko saying what's wrong with him. He's a kid but he's got orange hair and wonders if it's natural.
- Kyo asks whats wrong with her and tells her to stop being so friendly and says he'll kill her.
- At this Kyoko laughs and says how cute Kyo is and begins to make fun of him.
- Kyoko tells Kyo that he'll end up getting stolen away if he's not careful since he's so cute and tells him to go home. Afterall, his Mom was bound to be worried. Kyo retorts that he doesn't have one, and that she's dead. -- A bit shocked, Kyoko asks about his father to which Kyo becomes angry and says he should die. He says his father thinks he should die too. Kyoko says how lonely it must be and Kyo changes to subject by asking if her hair was real.
- She tells him it's dyed and introduces herself. At this Kyo says that their names are similar but when asked his doesn't tell her and so Kyoko names him "rascal".
- Kyoko tells him that she works not far from where they are now and so every so often Kyo ended up going to see her.
- Each time she'd tell him about herself, Katsuya and Tohru.
- Kyo wondered what the daughter of someone like Kyoko would be like and, when seeing Tohru's photo, wondered what she sounded like when she was laughing.
- One day Kyo went to see Kyoko and found her panicing and she explains Tohru hadn't come home and that despite her looking she couldn't find her.
- Kyo tells her not to worry and that he'll find her without fail. Saying that it's a mans promise to protect Tohru and save her.
- However despite looking his best he couldn't find her, he's called by Kyoko who tells him Tohru was brought home safely and she was sorry to bother him.
- Kyo sees the hat that Kyoko is holding and asks to see it, Kyoko tells him it was what Tohru was wearing when she came home and asks him if he'd seen it before.
- He remembers that he'd picked it out himself and Kazuma had bought it for him but it ended up in Yuki's hands.
- He says that anything "that guy" touches isn't his. And that "that guy" is rotten and has everythingtill takes other's things.
- Kyoko says that he brought Tohru back but Kyo insists he's still rotten. He wanted to help Tohru today but instead "that guy" interfered.
- Kyoko asks if that's how he wants it, becasue if Yuki wasn't there then it'd be Kyo's problem. {In other words she can see he's using Yuki as a scapegoat.}
- Kyo becomes angry and asks if she's taking Yuki's side but Kyoko says she isn't and that worrying about taking sides in life is a waste when he's such a nice child.
- Kyo still angry calls her a traitor and says he doesn't know her any more. As Kyo leaves Kyoko calls out to him not to forget his promise.
- That was the last time he saw Kyoko. After that he was angry at Yuki for helping Tohru instead of him, embarrased that he'd not been able to find her and felt that he'd been betrayed by Kyoko.
- And so sulking he avoided seeing Kyoko again. But he now realises how childish it'd been.
- He then starts to talk about the day of the accident, he wondered if he should go and talk to her. As he was thinking this a car going fast entered his line of sight. He could see it could hit Kyoko and thought that he should grab her and hold her back.
- But he realised that if he did that the people around would find out about him being a cat.
- Kyo tells Tohru thatlet her die, that if he'd pulled her out the way she wouldn't've been hit and thrown so high. She definitely would not have died.
- But he admits that he put himself first. He put himself and th life of Kyoko on a scale and chose himself. Chose himself over a life.
- He thinks how he hates being this way, however despite him hating the way he is he'd always been like it. Always protecting himself and finding the easy way out, even now he still did it.
- Kyo then explains about his own mother, saying how she too had been hit and thrown in he air but not by a car. {It was a tram I think. It's what it looks like in the image.}
- His mother could give no excuse for having given birth to Kyo being as he was, and how his being so pitiful was very hard on her and that she couldn't stand being near him.
- And how, after crying so very much one day, she died on the next.
- It was said to be an accident but there was something similar to a suicide note found. The evening before she'd also been arguing with Kyo's father.
- And so Kyo's father blamed him. At first Kyo denies it in his inner monologue but someone says to just admit it and that he'd been running away all this time.
- Kyo speaks one last time, saying it was his fault. That he'd stolen her life, that he'd let her die.
- In order to protect himself Kyo took something great and the regret for it weighs heavily.
{Note: As he confesses this to Tohru in the final page we see an image of Kyoko so it's easy to assume he's reffering to her in the last page.}
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