Maxwell Story repository: Cake blocking and violent kitties.

Mar 23, 2009 13:20

As Maxwell gets older, things get funnier.  I love watching him try to acclimate to our world.  You really get to see the learning process in action. 
I have started a "Toddler Tales" whiteboard on my door at work.  Most of these tales end up in abbreviated format there.  Here's where I'm typing out the full stories.

Here are a couple:

"The Cupcake Incident"
I took Maxwell to the park a couple of weekends ago.  While we were there he noticed a birthday party going on.  He bolted over there and got himself lost in the middle of a pack of kids.  By the time I got there, someone was handing him a birthday cupcake.  I managed to get there in enough time to stop the process.  Apologetically, I explained that he wasn't involved with the party, nor did he know anyone whose birthday it may or may not have been.  Little boy was mad that he didn't get a cupcake.  To quote one of my students:  "You cake-blocked him, man."

"Don't put the cat's head in your mouth"
Yesterday we let Maxwell play in the backyard by himself.  We stayed in the house talking and keeping an eye on him through the glass door.  Max was playing with our cat when my wife said "If he keeps playing rough with her, she's going to take a swipe at him".  I'm of a mind that this is a lesson well learned, so I let him continue playing.  Sure enough, right after I said as much, he pushed the cat a little too far.  I saw the cat lash out at him.  Maxwell dropped the cat, stood up, yelled and shook his fist at her.  Then he came running towards us, tears streaming down his face.  "Mommy, Daddy!  The cat hit me!!"

Luckily, the cat knows well enough to retract her claws with him.  Thank goodness for small favors.

"M I C"  "K E Y"
Maxwell has really taken a shine to the Mickey Mouse Club show on the Disney Channel.  I found a Minnie Mouse doll that belonged to my wife in Maxwell's closet, so I got it down for him to play with.  In the time he's had it (roughly a week)  He's undressed her and put her in a diaper and is now pottie training her.  He carries her with him throughout the house and watches TV with  her.  The wedding is next week.

"Time Out"

I can tell the "time out" technique is working.  I caught Maxwell playing with his cars and giving them "time outs" the other day.


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