Feb 18, 2009 23:41
It's funny in away. America votes for change and all it gets is another puppet. Why don't they just stop lying to us and put down what we really are voting for: 4 more years of Corporate Enslavement.
Look around, does this feel like freedom to you?
Victimless crimes are a form of revenue.
We are forced to pay for services we don't need.
We fear the fear itself.
Who are these people we put upon the pedestal and worship? Why are they so special? Why would you give up your rights to people you don't even know.
America has been taken hostage and is now suffering from Stockholm syndrome. These people rob us blind, bind us, and rape us and we speak so highly of them and we ask for more. All the while, we say how great it is to be free.
When were we ever free?
One things for certain, we will never get anywhere with the level of ignorance in this nation, no, this is far beyond our nation... This is the entire human race at this point.
Here in America we rather make laws to "protect" the ignorant rather than inform them. This is the most frustrating, asinine, way of dealing with an issue. Why should I have to suffer for other's shortcomings? Better yet why is it OK to be stupid?
No more excuses. Admit your failures and learn from them. Just because we are an imperfect race doesn't mean we should celebrate our shortcomings. Stop laying down for the weak and instead teach the weak how to be strong. This is the only road to freedom from stupidity, freedom from those who wish to take advantage of our ignorance, those who have taken us hostage....