The money still gets taxed when it becomes income for the individual investors. Under certain conditions, corporations are allowed to designate themselves pass-through "S Corporations", but all that does is prevent the money from being taxed TWICE. And those that don't pay income tax at all who aren't being taxed as partnerships, with the tax bill being split among shareholders, don't pay because generally, many don't have income. Salaries, the corporations share of payroll taxes for employees, capital losses, reinvestments, and economic loss render a lot of corporations "low earners."
The IRS reports that the highest 5% of earners paid over 56% of all income tax collection, and the lowest 50% of earners paid just 3%. While we certainly should close loopholes at the high-end of the income scale to make sure everyone pays their fair share, it's not like the poor are getting fucked by having the pay the lion's share in the current system.
If you did away with the CIA, what would you propose we do for Intelligence? ...granted, given their track-record, I'd have to ask, "Even if you DIDN'T do away with the CIA, what would you propose we do for Intelligence?"
Everyday citizens don't really earn "income" per se. We are supplying labor/skills in exchange for currency. In my opinion all taxes should be applied to the company side only and not directly to the people. This would make getting tax dollars much easier and could lower the amount of resources needed by the IRS to maintain the taxes. Overall getting more usable tax dollars for stuff our country needs.
What positive things has the CIA done for us lately? They are one of the most corrupt government organizations out there and they don't support an American way of life.
There are many other things that deserve the axe. Things like Social Security that were never meant to be dragged out this long should be stopped. I think if people want insurance, health care, or pension/401k plans they should go get them on there own. Why should everyone have to pay for this kind of stuff if they don't even want it. It's not the governments place to make these plans. People need to start taking responsibility for themselves.
I guess I could go another way with this too. the larger corporation and wealthier people also seem use most of the tax money on useless ventures also. How many tax dollars go back into the hands of the wealthy? I'm not trying to write a conspiracy here but this system is stacked against us. That is for certain.
The IRS reports that the highest 5% of earners paid over 56% of all income tax collection, and the lowest 50% of earners paid just 3%. While we certainly should close loopholes at the high-end of the income scale to make sure everyone pays their fair share, it's not like the poor are getting fucked by having the pay the lion's share in the current system.
If you did away with the CIA, what would you propose we do for Intelligence? ...granted, given their track-record, I'd have to ask, "Even if you DIDN'T do away with the CIA, what would you propose we do for Intelligence?"
What positive things has the CIA done for us lately? They are one of the most corrupt government organizations out there and they don't support an American way of life.
There are many other things that deserve the axe. Things like Social Security that were never meant to be dragged out this long should be stopped. I think if people want insurance, health care, or pension/401k plans they should go get them on there own. Why should everyone have to pay for this kind of stuff if they don't even want it. It's not the governments place to make these plans. People need to start taking responsibility for themselves.
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