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Feb 16, 2011 11:13

Epic Birthday Weekend was Epic.

Thursday, after I got my car worked on, I went to go hang out with firinn. There was Waffle House and awesomeness. We also considered skipping town on Saturday to go to a protest in D.C. Situations changed (with regard to what specifically the gathering was pertaining to), in such a manner that our ideological sides were okay with skipping out.

Friday, we slept in for a bit, then firinn had to work, so I spent like 5 hours reading The Hole Behind Midnight. Guys, when this book comes out officially (I was reading an early version of it) you so need to read it. It is by far the most entertaining thing I have read in ages. Srsly.

That night, we went out to dinner (All you can eat buffet), and had lots of fun inventing our own kinds of food. We also had the nicest waitress ever. After we got back, I taught firinn how to slow dance. No, really. He had never slow danced. IKR?! It was fun.

Afterwards, we went across the street to hang out with suncynic, Sara and Randy. We showed up, I think, around one ish? Well, Sara and Randy eventually went to sleep, but suncynic, firinn, and I were up talking until 10 a.m. It has been far too long since I've had a good, extended conversation like that. It was refreshing. Then there was McDonald's. The we all finally decided it was time to call it a night (or morning) and head off for sleepytimes.

**Also, FTR, suncynic IS amazingly hot. In case anyone is visually impaired.**

Man, sleeping in is nice. I'm also surprised firinn didn't wake up and wonder how the hell I was comfortable sleeping in all kinds of funky angles, lol.

Saturday... firinn had to cut all his hair off. Ten years worth of it. :(
So after that we went to karaoke. firinn and another guy sang Eminem's "Superman" as a duet, in an Irish accent, and they improvved. It was epic. Someone filmed it. :D

At one point I just looked at firinn and said "Go buy me a Jack and Coke." And he did. Hooray for birthday boozahol!

After karaoke, we went back over to suncynic, Sara, and Randy's place. And, guys. Dude. DUUUDE. That surprise cake was fucking DELICIOUS. Chocolate, with white frosting and funfetti sprinkles, and bright candles! SQUEE! And there were CRAZY STRAWS. OMG.
These people are Epic. Freaking. Win. I heart them. Like, hardcore. XD

We left at maybe two or three, due to epic amounts of tiredness (firinn nearly fell asleep using me as a pillow on their couch), since we only slept a few hours early on Saturday morning.

Sunday we slept in, then went to the store and looked at treadmills (because dammit, I wanted one, and I had the money for it). They didn't carry manuals, so I skipped on that for the moment (the motorized ones aren't necessarily out of my price range, but I don't care to spend more money than I have to).

After we got back from the store, firinn and I went out for a walk. We walked to a small lake, and just sat there talking for a while. The sky was several lovely shades of blue, purple, pink, and orange, right behind the bare trees on the other side of the lake. It was just warm enough to not wear a jacket, too, but still cool enough for him to put his arm around me and it still be comfortable. I loved being outside, and just taking in the sight of it, the smell of the cold trees, grass, and water and ice from the lake, the feel of the very slight breeze on my skin. And the best part? Sharing this with someone who understands it. <3

I had a great weekend. :)
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