Mar 14, 2007 21:40
I've gone back to having these random moments of 'deep thought' again. I don't know why, but its rather annoying. Everyone must have had this thought at least once in their life: "If I had a time machine, I'd fix all the mistakes I've made in the past." I've felt that way too. If I'd been a much more serious student when I was a kid and wasn't off searching for something that's never going to be there, who knows how I could be doing now? But you know, things never really do work out all the time, things can't be perfect for everybody. Much less, for 1 person. People suffer, then overcome that. That's what make people whoever the hell they are. And quite frankly, if I had the choice to go back and fix what I've messed up on, I couldn't be bothered. Mistakes are mistakes, I've made them, I'm suffering them. But am I really suffering? If I completely lose myself and just think about what other people would be seeing when they see me, I'd say no. Suffering? I'm far from that, I'm much better now than I've been in the past. When I enter my head again though, millions of thoughts just swarm me. Most of them being; "Why the fuck did I do that?"
I think I've really matured in my years of being a high school student. I've fallen apart, then pieced myself together. Scars don't hurt, they just remind you of how stupid you were, and this is enough to remind me what not to do when something happens. I've finally set foot back on earth. I'm no longer living in a world where I only see things from my eyes.
When people talk to me, it's a real gamble. Especially people asking me about homework. I personally find it irritating that someone you don't really know would suddenly just talk to you and ask "Hey what's the econ homework?" Honestly, I really want to just leave them hanging, not say anything. When I'm in a relatively bad mood, I do that. When I come back with a better mood and finally reply, they ask me "Where the hell were you?" My excuse always is "oh, I fell asleep." But you know, when I'm in a bad mood, I'm a fuckhead. I'm aware of that, I can be a real bitch. When I'm in a good mood, I'll help you with anything. It's a real gamble.
My workload has been very light lately. Maybe it's because I never study for my tests. Ever since I dropped to math S, homework is almost inexistant.
Alright, this is as far as I can go. I can't write anymore, my concentration is finally running off. Better go finish work before I fall asleep. Sorry for eating up so much of your time XD