Nov 09, 2011 14:28
I have not been the biggest fan of the Lost Shinigami Arc, nor of the FullBringers. I was excited when Rukia showed back up and brought Ichigo's powers back and then preceeded to get involved in a fight with the reluctant but determined Riruka. The beging of the fight itself brought mixed views but with Rirukia's backstory and parallels to both Rukia ( who only wanted to be normal, who believes with all her heart in supporting and fighting with comrads) and Orihime who seems to share an almost obsessive nature and wanting the boys attention and affection I was not ready for the quick (one-shot) finish that this weeks spoilers seem to bring.
EDIT:( I was originally writing this after the spoilers had come out, but before the actual chpt. The chpt is now out, the spoilers about Rukia were true, she fell to whatever attack Riruka's LoveGun did to her. Oh yeah and Byakuya fought Tsuki.....
On second re-read and looking at some of the other comments people have made it seems that the white buildings (broken down) are part of Byakuya's fight not where Rukia went to. In the brief glimse we see of her she is laying alone on a floor, eyes open RiRu gone.
After this chpt I don't think (and I never really thought) that Kubo is nerfing her, one-shotting her, killing her off, or worse making Ru the first to lose a battle. I am not really pissed that this was so short (or that her arrogance might have gotten her into trouble), b/c I don't think its over yet. And I certanly don't think that someone else (Orihime, Ichigo, Renji) will come in to save her. It may take weeks for him to get back to her fight, but I have a good feeling that Rukia is going to have to get herself out of this one, and I would look forward to a pysch or mental battle rather than a fight since that seems to play up to Rukia's strengths... although I want to see what a Kuchiki VC can do.
**Did the Love Gun insert Riruka into Rukia's body or heart?
- will the battle now be mental/pyschological and reveal Rukia's inner feelings?
- any chance there will be another "heart" mention and feature either the 6 hearts, Kaien, etc?
- how will Riruka be defeated, talked down?
- how does this connect with Riruka's backstory/ how does this connect Ru and RiRu so they can reach an understanding?
**Did the LG remove Rukia's feelings/ heart or have the ability to change them much like Tsuki's power.
**Whats with the whipped creme and strawberries Kubo? Are you hungry or telling us to go get a snack and stick around for a long wait?
Byakuya also had an interesting fight with Tsuki, pulling out the win in the end and gaining some character development in the process. I admit I am not really interested in him or their fight but I'll go back later and re-read it, and try and post some thoughts.
** I don't know if he had this ability already but it seems that he was able to reform his sword much like Rukia's ability. Thats kinda cool.
** What was Tsuki talking about with Bya's training? I don't get that part....