Jul 11, 2010 18:48

Quote of the night:

"I am not staring at my boobs!  It's just that there's ambient light coming from my cleavage!" ~Lisa

Ahh, glowsticks.... need I say more?

GNE was fun, and I was amused at how mini-Pennsic it was.  The rain kind of added to that, since you can't really expect two weeks of sunshine.  Luckily, though, it magically did not rain this morning, while I was packing my stuff, which, badly packed as it was, sort of exploded over 3/4 of the tent over the last two days.  It is now happily in the dryer....except that I think the metal grommets on the bodice may catch on...


Ok.  Disaster averted, and the metal is safely out, though, despite being washed, the bodice still smells faintly of tobacco, or rather, of smokiness with a faint undertone of pot.  W.T.F?  How did THAT happen?  I am inclined to blame the person I lent it to last Pennsic... which makes no sense, but it doesn't make sense any other way, either.  WTF?

Anyways, clothing and bedding are safely drying, which is good since I ended up taking a pseudo-shower yesterday by standing outside (yes, dressed.  Get your minds out of the gutter.... camping is over until Pennsic) in a bad piece of rainstorm.  So, hopefully, clean garb will be achieved in time for Pennsic, where it will get unbelievably dirty again.  Since that's what Pennsic is for.

And yet, for some reason, I am at an extraordinarily mild level of Pennsic Panic® right now.  It all worked out well last year, so I am hopeful, though driving 6 f-ing hours is going to be the epitome of Not-Fun.  (6 since I refuse to do the trip all at once.  split over 2 days will be MORE than hard enough, thank you!)

And yeah.  GNEW was fun.  I didn't get a chance to throw, since there was rain and tired-me, but I got a piece of linen (yeah, I know, more fabric) to make veils out of, and a necklace.  It's pretty....

And Strangewayes' Bodice Ripper/Pinata/whatever it's called these days party was fuuuuun.  It's always nice to carry around bottles of vodka in my boobs.  ::snerk:: Yeah.  What can I say.  That was the mood of the evening.

And my grandpa got me a bottle of his yummy cranberry vodka-stuff for Pennsic.  So I'll be another person walking around offering random people yummy alcohol.

Hehe.  Oh, yeah, and I took a class on how to fit a kirtle.  That was interesting, too.  Pretty basic.  I do know how to sew well... I just lack the patience to do so.

::sigh:: I am going to miss that pair of underwear, no matter how brightly they burned on their way to panty-Valhalla.
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