BB 2011 / result

May 02, 2011 00:31

So, yeah, I failed. I didn't managed to send my Big Bang on time. Let me just say that timezone sucks! °_° Midnight came and passed, and now I'm here, looking at my word count.
Anyway, I am quite proud of myself: I wrote exactly 16100 words in less than two days, without a precise plot in mind, just let my imagination rule my fingers. I simply went with flow, and that was exactly what I craved to: being carried out by the inspiration, without concerns, just me, the characters and the story. That was fantastic, being able again to feel that. I have to thank this challenge (and the amazing organizers) for this.

Well, it appears that I will partecipate again next year! XD And, well, I will centainly reach the ultimate goal, because, well, the idea was too much inspiring for being piled up in a corner. Historical AU Jared/Jensen. Pirate story. XVIIth Century.

Now, eyes wide open, gals, I signed for deancasbigbang ! Since the draft are due in July and I just learned my lesson about elusive plots... I will learn from my mistakes. It helps that, exams permitting, I'll start writing next week, along with the fic for dc_everafter  and some Italian projects.

fanfic:project on going, !english post, supernatural bigbang!, real life:victories and defeats

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