Jun 28, 2006 19:02
Oil Politics
new economic weapon emerges in middle east
oil first exploited by british in iran in early twentieth centy 1933 ibn sa'd, sovereigh of saudi arabia grants oil conession to american oil company
1934 bahrain exports oil
first glf state to develop oil-based economy
oil discovered in arabia and kuwait
kuwait is a british protectorate from the end of wwI to 1961
Major production of oil arises after WWII
fifty percent proven oril reserves controlled by gulf states foreign compnies control revenues and organization until ninteen fiftys
dominance shifts ninteen sixy in founding of organization of petrolem exporting countires OPEC to harness oil as global power
founded by irn, iraq kuwait saudiarabia and venezuela
oil created influx of foreign workers
western techs
south asian laborers
workers from other middle aster states seeking higher wages
affects afirca and latin america
ninteen seventy three opec places embaro on oil to us and decreases production in display of shifting global power
created panic in industrialized centers
wester europe seventy two percent vs japans eighty two percent oil imported from middle east
opec used control over price and production to enusre greater voice in world affairs
under the embargo liften in nninteen seventy four the us suffered substantial disruption in economic activity though it imports on eleven percent iol useage from the middle east
the middle east has used oil as a world class weapon where it would have had little leverage in world politics
egyptian israel detente
egypt and israel agree that the sinai peninsula returend to egyp and neither would resort to force
us provided two hundred civilian technicians for a wawrning system
us commiteted arms and financial support to both sides
november ninteen sevety seven egyptian president anwar sadat flew to jerusalem to conduct peace talks with israel leaders believing egypt needed peace and recovery
sided with us in cold war
ordered eighteen thousand soviet miltary and tech advisers out of egypt
increasing population and faltering internal economy and run away inflation spared sever riots
seperate destinines
evolutions of the nation states of turkey and lebanon proceed and react in opposing ways. where turkey became a model for western secularism lebanon was rooted in relgion based politics
never coming under direct cocntrol of britain or france turey early independence allowed for ease of secular adaptation under ataturk
after ataturk's death the strict secularized laws were removed and relaxed toward muslim views