Sep 15, 2010 12:38
Opinions please?
With Vox closing, and not having much warning or explanation (grrr...), I'm debating the future of my content. I have a couple of options as far as exporting it to other blogs, and there's a conversion tool for putting it into a PDF, which doesn't seem to be available at the moment. (sigh)
My initial preference is to archive it in PDF form. I've done this for a blog I then deleted, ...but honestly, I've never once referenced it.
I'm now wondering if it's not just best to let it all go, to let it disappear into the ether like the past is supposed to.
I don't keep my paper journals. I burn them. I don't journal to preserve moments and memories. I trust my head to keep what's most important, and to conveniently lose the things I'm better off forgetting. I fear missing the present moments by getting too entangled in the past. I only journal to sort out the noise in my head, and blogging gives me the added opportunity to share what catches my attention with other people. Is the digital blog, with pictures and comments and all, more worth hanging onto than the more private paper journal? Is it like saving a box of letters, or is it too much trying to hang on to something that was meant to be fleeting and temporary?
We blog, but how long do we really expect our words to hang out there? What do you expect the lifetime of your blog to be? How often do you go back to it? Would you really miss it if there were no archives, if you only had maybe a year's worth to look back on? I don't know if I would. I'm thinking it might just be one less thing I have to keep track of. I'm not sure. I have until the end of the month to figure it out though. :/