So I was digging through the guestroom, organizing, evaluating, picking out things for the yard sale, and I finally dug into one of the two closets. That's when The Great Purge of 2010 came to a screeching halt.
The closet I started cleaning out is FILLED with clothes. These are retired clothes. They've been deemed "unwearable". They're holey, frayed, and stained in places. Why didn't I just throw them out? That would be the easy and logical thing to do, eh?
I have a MAJOR fabric addiction.
The clothes in this closet are made of satins and velvets and all sorts of lovelies in fabulous colors. There's a lot of usable fabric in there once you cut round the damaged parts. There are literally dozens of fabulous crafty uses I can think of for these fabrics. Reuse! Reuse!
And the denim! Oh the denim! I have a huge stack of old, unwearable jeans in there. When I first pulled it out, I thought, "Ah-ha! These can be recycled! It's an easy and guilt-free way to get rid of this pile!" And an instant later I was thinking, "Gods, I love denim. These would make a great quilt, braided rug, bag, pot-holders, yoga mat, ..."
First failing of The Great Purge (TGP): old clothes. I sorted out some things that just aren't worth saving, but the rest of it is going back in the closet. I'd feel guilty about it, but I love fabric! This stash feels like treasure. I was going to purge everything that I DON'T treasure. This stash, while I haven't dug it out in a while, is treasure. Now I just have to promise myself I'll start actually using it. I have a bunch of great ideas!
If I could figure out a nicer way to organize and store it though, that'd be awesome.
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