I am celebrating the fact that this time next week, this testing cycle is over and I will have glorious not terrifyingly days at work in which I will not be in a constant state of panic. Which also coincides with payday, so really, what can be better than that? A pony, that's what. Though not by much.So I was reading about how the internet now
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Did you know that AOL dropped its Usenet access a while back? Many oldtimers celebrated that October was finally here. *g*
Green Card Lottery.
BTW, I'm a child of the very beginning of the Endless September: I got my first email account, through college, in fall 1993. And spent the next two years on MOO/MUCK/MUDs and Usenet. I very nearly had an alt.fan group at one point; the folks in alt.alt.alt thought I was funny enough that someone officially proposed 'alt.fan.podgirl' (which is what I was going by then) ... but the Usenet mod at my school refused to add it, so that never went anywhere.
Then, of course, the spammers got to it. Sigh.
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