buffy buffy buffy!

Mar 12, 2005 14:28

Finally finsihed season seven of BtVS. nonchop also sent me season one and four of BtVS, so I now am two seasons short of a complete set. Thsi is like all you can eat cookie dough without the accompanying post-eating nausea.


I loved the Potentials becoming Slayers. The drama was pretty. Buffy getting stabbed and getting up--y'all, I am all about teh big symbolic gesture here, and I cry at the drop of a scythe, you know? The whole symbol of united women/slayers and the tossing of the Cool Scythe of Doom was fabulous. Everything was pretty. My inner Buffy/Angel shipper did a dance. My more outer Spike/Buffy shipper did a second dance. Pretty much my idea is a happy Angel/Spike/Buffy threesome while they fight demon crime. Or just porn their angsty little hearts out.

But. And there's always a but.

What. The. Hell. Was that necklace? It felt rushed and pushed into the plotline for the express purpose of killing off Spike for his glorious future as a ghost and later inmate of AtS. And not done well, either. And it took away from the rest, in a way. If it had been the new Slayers alone and Spike et al fighting and winning, then I would have watched it happily and not regretted a thing. But the necklace annoyed me so much. It was--deuxy. For this show, it was about Buffy, and being a Slayer, and the Potentials finding their Potential, so to speak, and then, boom, The Magical Necklace of Fixiness comes in and grrrr. The potentials werne't needed. Apparently, nothign was needed but The Magical Necklace and *grrrr*. Can I edit that out somehow?

Or am I missing something huge? Cause aside from that, I loved. But I am a wishlist girl, and my wishlist would have included also--

More of the Willow-Xander-Buffy-Giles bond working here. Because dammit, that was what the show was *built* on. I don't have to like them all to love them together adn what they can do together when sufficiently motivated. One of my favorite moments of all time in BtVS is the death of Adam, in which the four do their Becoming One thing. Plus, Spike saying about the Beatles, in The Yoko Factor, that they could ahve ruled the world, which could have just as easily been applied to Buffy et al. Was Joss having a bad day or something with the last four eps? I like the four of them together. It was powerful, and it was magical, and it was the exact reason I couldn't get into Angel as much as I wanted. That friendship, that was so much a part of them that it had a life of its own, an existence that was almost palpable. Things pulled them apart, but they weren't ever really apart. The Potentials were a group that also relied on that inner bond of friendship, and then. Grrr. I need to watch the death of Adam again. That always cheers me up.

Still hate Andrew. Hate that Anya died. Anya was worth a thousand Andrews. I felt like Anya had a journey thing going on there, which made her interesting to watch above and beyond the snark. Andrew was, to me, cannon fodder. Very annoying cannon fodder, with mostly useless moments. I have no idea how he was contributing to the season, other than quasi-comic-relief, but me and my ff button will bond deeply when I rewatch season seven while he is onscreen.

Season Four

I like Riley more this time around, just having viewed the last three eps. Adam is a really silly villian. He just is. I really don't care at all. I could take him seriously as long as I watched, which is all I really want. He scared me, like all things that seem human (in the sense of having a conscience or having empathy and then showing they really don't) and then really aren't do. I still dislike Forrest, but again, my nation is Buffy, so all that hate her are mine enemies. But Riley--I no longer hate him for being so annoying, because he really *did* love Buffy, and so. He gets back into my good graces. I didn't notice the first time around, too consumed with wishing Angel was back, or that Spike would fall for her and he did, later, which is Of the Good.


Loving Spike isn't a choice for me. He loved Buffy, and he did it before he had a soul, and then he went and *got* aoul and started being insane. Insane!Spike is very, very hot. Leave me alone. Insane!Lex turns me on just as much. Then he got weird and--weird. I think he was confused about a soul. You don't *have* to be good with a soul, which you'd think he'd have figured out after six seasons of watching the show and hanging around Willow during her dark roots phase; it's just an *option*.

I'm still pissed, however, at Spike's little speech to Robin about Robin's mother. Robin, you have issues. I mean, I get that, and I don't like you (see above, hurt Buffy? Me angry), but other than that, you are severely hot and give a good one-liner. Your mommy was a single woman who had a job. Spike, that does not mean that Robin's mommy did not love him. JOSS, THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT ROBIN'S MOMMY DID NOT LOVE HIM. Okay? She carried him nine months, and was a Slayer, gave birth to him as a single woman in teh seventies, not exactly the best time period for it, and was a Slayer, and then raised him, ALONE AND SHE COULD DO THAT AND STILL BE A SLAYER. Just like many mommies are doctors, lawyers, teachers, and prime ministers and are still mommies. Like MEN CAN BE ALL OF THOSE THINGS AND STILL BE DADDIES. Okay? What have we learned from this? The mission was important. So was her son. You can save the world and still deeply love your son and care for him. People do it all the time.

I'm a single woman with a son. If Joss didn't mean for that message to be *really* irritating, then really, he's just stupid.

Also, how the hell old was she when she had Robin? That would mean Buffy isn't the oldest Slayer ever, unless Robin's Mother got knocked up around her sixteenth birthday or so. Possible, yes, but jsut curious if canon covers this. Also interesting there is little to no mention of Robin's father, which is refreshing since most shows tend to linger on the missing-father thing ad nauseum and I almost forgive Joss for the bit above for that.

Um, yeah. Let me get back on track.

I love Spike. I love when he refound his dark side, modified it to ebon-gray, and plugged away at being dangerous *and* a relatively in the light kind of guy. Evil on its own does very little for me--hence my lack of real love for Spike before he fell for Buffy. Evil with that chance to go brilliant like a supernova--that's of the hot. And Spike fulfills that for me, and more. Unlike Angel, every bit of it was a deliberate choice. Not that I don't love Angel, except when he goes all moody and boring. It's just mostly, I want to get him drunk and watch him act like a dork, because Angel being a jealous dork is my favorite thing ever.

See? Ideally, post Angel, however the *hell* they are supposed to get out of that, and Joss, you annoyed me a lot with that ending, even if the rest of the ep was kick-ass, is all of them somewhere in Peru, having a lot of post-apocalyptical sex with all manner of abandon. I don't know why Peru. It just sounds nice.

elke_tanzer has a really *really* fun post here on the Slayer lineage. It's so fun to run across these on LJ. I never, ever, ever went into the boards after my first and only experience just looking at them, so all of this debate and thought is totally brand new and so cool. I'm happy. I'm watching season one, season finale Buffy next. I remember whimpering with her over her pretty dress and her upcoming death the first time around.

*happy sigh*

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