I'm hella bored.
And tired.
Annnd anxious to get off work.
My mom is going out with her manfriend tonight so there goes my sitter which I am secretly ok with. I am actually looking forward to going home, relaxing on the couch, maybe teach Lane to ride his bike some more then put put him to bed, crack open a beer, put on some good music and do some cleaning/packing.
Cleaning the garage out tomorrow and Sunday and maybe a pub crawl mixed in there somewhere. Its supposed to be about 85 degrees around here this weekend, which is usually very muggy when it gets that warm around here so cleaning and doing lots of moving around does not sound all that fun but again, I am acutally looking forward to be productive. Next weekend is the big garage sale and moving into the new garage and painting the next weekend is thee official move in. I know all this sounds redundant but I am also typing it out as sort of a to do list and timeline. :)
I am thinking about surprising Kevin with a game system during the move ("Oh honey can you unpack that box for me.....surprise there is a ____ in there too! yay!") but I don't know what to get him. A PS2 or a Wii. PS2 has guitar hero and Madden but Wii is hella fun with their interactive games/controllers and Mario games.
Here is an ariel shot of our new house thanks to Google Maps (click it for bigger image):
And now that I look at it again (out of pure excitement) it does look like there might be a small back porch over hang :)