"King of all days, oh so highly exalted/Glorious in Heaven above/Humbly you came to the Earth..."

Dec 06, 2005 13:20

So I like the eljay entries when people are very random, not the ones where people rattle off what they've done all day, so I will try to not rattle off what my day has been like, and attempt at being more random. I remember when I first started eljay, I didn't capitalize anything, and I didn't use punctuation very correctly. Now I do...now i'm going to stop. because capitalization is stupid.

so i have this cool site with fun tests for my psychology class, and i can take one of the online tests and write a paragraph summary of the results, and how accurate the results of the test are in comparison to what i think of myself. i don't think that made any sense. ha. anyways, they are SO much fun, and for you eljay freaks, they have "cuts" so you can paste the results in your eljay. just fyi. but back to what i was originally saying, i only had to take ONE of the tests to get 10 points of extra credit, but i think i have taken every single one of them. because i love them. one of my faves is the one where you upload your face and draw all these lines on it, and then answer questions, and it tells you this stuff about you based on your face. John helped me with that one....yall should check it out. here's the link:


so go take some psychology tests...i promise you will not regret it. they are SO fun, and so addictive. HA.

okay let's see....what else can i discuss.....i won't talk about the finals that are coming up....!! i can tell you that i will actually be home on December 14th, which is a wednesday, and John is coming with me! he will be hanging out with me from Wednesday through Sunday, so that will be so much fun. our plans to go to Florida kind of fell through, and so he's just coming to Birmigham when i come home. that will be fun.

another thing--over Christmas break i will have 2 jobs--i am babysitting the Donze chillins from Dec 19-Dec 30, on all the weekdays. It shall be fun. and i'm also working at Panera at nighttime. that will be interesting. we'll see how that goes. i kinda don't want to go back, but i'm kinda broke in all senses of the word. SO BROKE! i hate being poor. it's just part of being a college student i guess :) have fun with that these next few years, kids. you will all soon be there.

so i have found some pretty neat verses lately, some familiar and some not-so-familiar, that i want to share...i have posted some of them on my mirror here at school to remind me every day Who it is that i am living for. He is my rock. here are some of the verses:

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the LORD Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
Colossians 3:17

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the LORD, not for men."
Colossians 3:23

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31

"Keep alert. Be firm in your faith. Stay brave and strong. Show love in everything you do."
I Corinthians 16:13-14

So these are just a few verses to keep in mind when the thoughts of exams and finals become overwhelming, and stuff to keep in mind in the midst of everyday chaos that everyone experiences at this Christmas season. keep God first. I say this to you, and as i say it, i am reminding myself as well. keep Him aware. He already knows, but He also likes to hear from us that we need Him more than life itself. I hope you are encouraged today. I pray that you will keep your head as you prepare to do your best on your finals or exams. I pray that you get the rest you need, to have the strength you need to do well. Don't stress. He is in control. Persevere. I love you all.

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